24 Feb 2023

Skin - Jemima M (Year 12)

In VCE Unit 2 Art, students are given the opportunity to explore an aspect of the cultural and contemporary concepts and identify a current issue that is important to them. Their creative responses are guided through an art process as they experiment with both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art forms with the aim of discovering materials and techniques that allow them to express their intended message to an audience.

Jemima M (Year 12) explored society’s perception of ageing, particularly the cultural concept of the fear of getting older and the effect of time on one’s appearance. In particular, she was inspired by the effects of ageing on human skin.

Jemima’s piece Skin was selected as Best Painting at the Sea Women’s Art Exhibition hosted at Lorne Community Connect.

What was your inspiration behind this piece?

Jemima: I was inspired by artists, such as Antonio Finelli and Bruce Gilden, who created pieces of similar meanings, depicting their subject matter as harsh and real, and rebelling against societal beauty standards. I was also inspired by Vernon Ah Kee’s style of drawing, with loose and free line work in his large-scale pieces.

Was there a reason you chose to express this through pen and ink, as opposed to other mediums?

Jemima: I choose to use ballpoint pen in comparison to charcoal or grey lead as pen can’t be erased, remaining permanent and unchanged, such as the effect of time on the skin. I also liked the challenge of not being able to rub out any mistakes, as it gives off the spontaneous style that I was trying to achieve.

What were some challenges you faced in the process of creating this piece?

Jemima: My main challenge while making this piece was getting my pen to work on a vertical canvas, as the ink kept getting air bubbles due to the angle of the pen. Spare pieces of paper were used to get the pen running again.

How has working on this piece changed your thoughts on the topic of appearance and ageing?

Jemima: After completing this piece, I found myself becoming more fascinated with people’s skin texture and wrinkles. I often catch myself staring at people’s faces, admiring the details while in a conversation. I have a greater awareness and appreciation for these details after completing this piece.