Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak is an Australian public company, limited by guarantee and governed by a School Board.

Correspondence for the School Board should be directed to the Company Secretary.

The School maintains a register of interested candidates for the Board and Committees and refers to this register when a position becomes available. Should you be interested in volunteering for a position please send a brief summary of your interest and skills together with a resume to the Company Secretary.

Loreto Toorak School Board:

Louis Chiam

Louis Chiam

Chair of School Board
Chair of Nominations Committee

David Boyle

David Boyle

Chair of IT Committee
Chair of Risk and Compliance Committee

Sally Charles

Sally Charles

Board Member

Kate Collins (nee Kavanagh)

Kate Collins
(née Kavanagh)

Chair of Engagement Committee

Lesley Gillespie, OAM

Lesley Gillespie, OAM

Board Member

Helen Goode

Helen Goode

Board Member

John Lincoln

John Lincoln

Chair of Property and Sustainability Committee

Andrew (Art) Tanner

Andrew (Art) Tanner

Chair of Finance Committee
Chair of Investment Committee