04 Aug 2022

VCE Italian students at Model United Nations Conference

“Dobbiamo accantonare gli interessi nazionali a breve termine per evitare una catastrofe globale a lungo termine. Preservare e utilizzare in maniera sostenibile i nostri oceani significa preservare la vita stessa.”
“We must put aside short-term national gain, to prevent long-term global catastrophe. Conserving our oceans and using them sustainably is preserving life itself.”

UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, June 2017, Oceans Conference

These opening remarks welcomed Loreto Toorak VCE Italian students to the Model United Nations (MUN) Conference on 1 August. The simulation of the UN General Assembly, which was conducted entirely in Italian, took place at the Bastow Institute, Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.

As Assembly delegates and country ambassadors, Loreto Toorak students had the opportunity to step into the shoes of Norway and Saudi Arabia. During the MUN Conference, they delivered their prepared delegate presentations, engaged in dialogue and negotiated multilateral diplomacy with other student delegates.

In preparation for the United Nations Conference, our students worked collaboratively to form an understanding of the topic, “Protecting the world's oceans, seas and marine resources,” and the position of the country they represented.

VCE Italian students representing Saudi Arabia at the MUN Conference
Pictured (left to right): Allegra Carbone (Year 12), Olivia Borzillo (Year 12),
Sofia Borzillo (Year 12) and Sophia Morrissey (Year 11)

The aims of the UN Italian Simulation program are to:

  • Increase knowledge and understanding of the United Nations and its Member States,
  • Deepen awareness and understanding of humanitarian and other key global issues,
  • Promote a global outlook, tolerance and respect for diversity and difference of opinion,
  • Foster a greater interest in international affairs,
  • Highlight the importance of dialogue, diplomacy, negotiation, collaboration, and empathy for conflict resolution,
  • Encourage active citizenship (Think Globally, Act Locally), and
  • Provide the opportunity for immersion in the Italian language.

The objective of the Assembly was the adoption of a new UN Resolution addressing the protection of the oceans. After rigorous debate in the unmoderated caucus and several amendments, the delegates reached a compromise based upon the national interests of their country, and their international responsibilities and humanitarian obligations. The successful outcome was formalised, new amendments were added and the adoption of a new UN Resolution was achieved.

VCE Italian students representing Norway at the MUN Conference
Pictured (back to front): Sofia Pellegrini (Year 12), Pia Dobbin (Year 12), Katia Terzigni (Year 12),
Annabelle Thornewell (Year 11) and Sienna Bodasso (Year 11)

Congratulations to our VCE Italian students for their dedicated preparation and active participation throughout the proceedings. They put their Italian language skills to excellent use and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to experience leadership roles in solving real world problems.
